Bath Rod and Gun Club incorporated in October of 1939.
Skeet Control Station and High House
June 16, 1940
This newspaper clipping is from the Steuben Courier and was taken the day that the club house opened.
It reads as follows:
The Bath Rod and Gun Club has installed Skeet and trap shooting equipment of the most modern
design for the benefit of the lovers of this delightful, entertaining and popular form of sport. In the above picture
on the left is shown the control station of the skeet layout and to the right is the High House. At the right of the
club building the low house (not shown in picture) equipment is found. Between the two houses in a semi-circle
eight shooting positions are located on regulation concrete platforms three feet square. The Bath layout was designed
and erected under the direction of Fred Thomas of Winchester Arms Company and Everette Buckley of the local club. Shown
in the picture are D.W. Clark of Bath and Mr and Mrs. CA Clark and son.
History of Our Club
Picture Of Skeet Field Today
This is a picture of the Skeet and Trap fields today. Men, women, and even children have enjoyed
shooting on our fields. These fields are utilized by a lot of club members on Sunday and Wednesday. Our club also
has a rifle range and indoor rifle range. A rifle and pistol range is in the process of being developed across
the road from the club. There is also a sporting clay area located a short distance down the road from the club.
People come from all over to shoot sporting clays in the summer time. We have added ARCHERY!! Come shoot our ALLIGATOR!
The club continues to grow each year and will continue to grow.
This is a Picture of our Skeet and Trap fields today.